How to Tend to Dog Wounds at Home? - Bully Sticks Direct
Oct 31, 2023
Is there a cut on your dog? Although minor cuts and scrapes can be treated at home, if it is more serious, you will have to consult the vet. Here are some first-aid tips you can do at home before taking your dog to the vet.
How About Some Home-Based Care?
A trip to the vet isn't necessary for every cut or scratch. Cleaning with soap and water and using triple antibiotic cream may effectively cure many minor scrapes and cuts. Topical at-home therapy can be initiated if your dog is not experiencing any pain. Avoid infection by using the cream twice daily and keeping the wounds clean.
If your dog is showing signs of discomfort, you would want it to be treated by a vet. If you want the cuts and scrapes to heal faster, your dog can be given oral antibiotics.
What Should I Bring to the Vet?
It's best to have a vet look at some wounds. A wound on your dog longer than an inch requires veterinary attention. Stitches may be required for these cuts and lacerations often. In addition, these are all signs that it's time to take Fido to the vet.
- If you have a cut that just won't stop bleeding, your vet can assist.
- If your dog has a serious injury or is in discomfort. Antibiotics and pain relievers can be prescribed for the wound to heal faster.
- Infected-looking things, in general: Your dog should consult a doctor if their wounds appear infected. Discharge, a foul odour, or redness coming from the site are all symptoms of infection. All of these call for a trip to the vet.
- Your dog needs to see a vet if the injury is so bad that it prevents normal movement.
- If you are not sure about caring for the dog’s wound at home, you should seek a vet. They can demonstrate how to care for the injury and administer any necessary medicine to your dog.
- If your dog's wound is red and swollen, it may be time to take it to the doctor. An infection often forms an abscess under the skin. If you take your dog to the vet, he or she will be able to assist you in treating the abscess and make your dog feel better.
Home First Aid for Dogs: How to Dress a Cut
Below are some things you can do at home to help your dog heal from a wound.
- First and foremost, you should put your hand and exert some pressure to stop the bleeding. You can use the silver nitrate powder meant for your dog's toenails if the affected region is minor.
- Let's suppose a bandage can be applied there. A bandage applied to the region will help halt any further bleeding. Make sure that you tie it loose enough to ensure that the blood supply is not restricted.
- Firstly, clean the open wound thoroughly. Use either soap and water or an antiseptic solution. After the wound has been cleaned, check to make sure it is free from any dust or infectious particles.
- Apply antibiotic ointment to the wound after you've cleaned it and patted it dry. Two times daily use is recommended until the cut or scrape is completely healed. In most cases, allowing wounds to remain open will facilitate faster healing.
- Stitching up a wound would be needed if your dog has a big cut or wound. In most cases, this is something a vet can better deal with than on your own. Your veterinarian can sedate your dog and sew up any cuts or lacerations.
- To prevent your dog from licking off the dressing, you should cover this region. If your dog tends to lick its wounds, you should use a cone collar to prevent the saliva from reaching the wound.
What Equipment Is Necessary for a Dog's Care at Home?
If your dog is hyperactive and ends up getting hurt more often than not, bandages, antibiotics, ointment, and wound dressings are a few items that might help you treat your dog at home. Most of these items can also be found in a first aid kit. Check for the expiration date of any of the items. If any item is expired, replace it, just like you would with a human first aid kit.
Minor lacerations or wounds in your dog are often readily healed at home. Generally speaking, veterinarian care should be sought for anything above an inch in size. Although the local pharmacy near you should have all that you need, from antiseptics to bandages, you should rush to the vet if the wound seems prone to a major infection.