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Seven Great Tips for Traveling With Your Dog | A Guide for Pet Owners  - Bully Sticks Direct

Seven Great Tips for Traveling With Your Dog | A Guide for Pet Owners - Bully Sticks Direct

Aug 12, 2022

If you are a pet lover, then you will probably agree that a vacation is just not the same without your favorite furry friend with you. A pet is like a family member, and at times it is just too painful to leave them behind!

At the same time, many dog owners dread taking their dogs on a long trip because of the added hassle it brings. Therefore, you would be forgiven to assume that traveling with pets will be very difficult. With the right preparation, though, it does not have to be a headache! At Bully Sticks Direct, we’re really about family - yours and ours. This is why, like yourself, keeping your dog safe and happy is our number one priority.

Bring Some Good Dog Treats

Nothing keeps a dog happier and well-behaved in its carrier during a road trip than being given the occasional dog treat. Not only will this encourage them to be well-behaved, but it is also a great way to keep your dog's anxiety levels down.

When choosing the right dog treats for traveling with your dog over long distances, it is important not to get too adventurous, because the last thing you want is to deal with an irritable dog suffering from stomach discomfort.

In that regard, keep the following in mind:

Keep It Simple and Familiar

Give your dog regular food and treats that they are already familiar with to help keep them calm and reduce the chances of your dog suffering an upset stomach. Bring your own water as well in case you can’t get any during the trip, especially if it is a direct flight with no rest stops in between.

Go for All-Natural Dog Treats

Whether you are flying or traveling by car is not an excuse to feed your dog human food scraps. If you regularly go for the healthiest dog treats, then it is best to keep it that way. You will be pleasantly surprised at the wide range of healthy treats available on the market.

Try Bully Sticks for Dogs

If you want the safest dog treats then Bully Sticks Direct is your best bet. We supply some of the best hormone-free dog treats on the market and are the best option for keeping your dog happy whether it’s a long or short trip.

Visit Your Veterinarian Before Traveling

A quick visit to the vet before leaving is a good idea, especially if you plan on taking your dog flying because the last thing you want is an airline incident. Be sure that your pet is registered with the American Veterinary Medical Association as this is sometimes one of the travel requirements. Any health problems should be discussed before traveling, as well as preparations for potential motion sickness in the car or during the flight.

Bring Any Necessary Medication

There are some pet travel medications your vet can offer you in case your dog doesn't do well while flying. If your dog also has any pre-existing conditions that need regular treatment then you need to be sure you are well stocked because this is not something airline employees will be able to help you with.

Have All Necessary Documents in Order

Before leaving the house, do a quick checklist to make sure you meet all the requirements in terms of up-to-date animal travel documents, especially when traveling internationally. Keep the following documents and information close by:

● Health certificate

● Medical records from your vet

● Home address and intended final destination (in case your dog gets lost)

● Clearly labeled ID tags

● A current photograph of your dog

Some Great Apps Can Help

There seems to be an app for everything these days, and a quick search will show you a wide range of pet-friendly apps to choose from. With the right information, pet travel will be very easy and enjoyable for both of you.

You can find information about nearby dog parks and different airline pet policies, for example, whether emotional support animals can travel in the cabin or are restricted to the cargo hold.

Find Pet-friendly Accommodations

With a little bit of effort, you can find some awesome pet-friendly accommodations for your dog. Some places, specifically Airbnb's, even offer a nice cozy dog bed for your furry friend, which can be very handy for ensuring the comfort of your dog. You should expect to pay some extra fees for such conveniences but it is definitely worth it to keep your pet safe and happy.

Pack Their Favorite Toys

Giving your dog its favorite toy is a great way to keep it distracted in its carrier during a long flight or car ride, especially if it has to be confined to a small crate or carrier throughout the journey. Pets that are restricted to the cargo hold can become very anxious indeed, so pack a few familiar items to make the flight easier.

Air Travel With Your Furry Friends

Many dog lovers don't know this, but there are a few airlines, such as United and JetBlue, that allow passengers to reserve a seat for their small dog!

While most airlines do not allow this, and the service is restricted to one animal only, it is certainly something worth looking into, especially if you are used to traveling with your dog in the back seat.

However, in most cases, when flying, it is best to invest in soft-sided carriers, for dog safety, and because airlines usually consider your pets as carry-on luggage if properly housed.

The same weight limit that applies to personal luggage also applies to dogs that are allowed in the cabin, and you can ask an airline employee to help you fit your dog carrier under your seat.

Will a Visit To the Dog Park Help?

Dogs that are not used to flying while cooped up in a pet carrier (especially if it’s a pup) are likely to suffer a lot of anxiety and confusion during the trip. One of the best tips for traveling and pet safety is to allow your dogs to have a bit of fun, off the leash, in a dog park, both before and after the journey.

As Easy As One, Chew, Three!

At Bully Sticks Direct, we make traveling with dogs as easy as one, chew, and three with our premium and natural chews. Unlike treats with added hormones and preservatives, Bully Sticks Direct only offers natural treats in order to ensure the health and safety of your pup. Bully sticks in particular are a single-ingredient, easily-digestible chew treat made from high-grade beef. They are a great way to provide your dog with natural, hormone-free protein. What’s more, we cater to dogs of all ages, even puppies!

You can afford to be “chewsy” thanks to our long list of high-quality, delicious, and healthy products available on our website, such as: ● Bully Sticks ● Achilles Tendons ● Turkey Tendons ● Taffy - Gullet ● Pork Treats

Traveling is a great experience that you don’t want to miss out on for the sake of not leaving your dog at home. With these tips, traveling with pets can prove to be easy! If you prioritize your dog’s health, comfort, and enjoyment, then shopping for treats at Bully Sticks Direct is supporting a company that also values those things!

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